Każdy jest innym i nikt sobą samym.

DLL The Windows Sockets API implementation DLL
B.3 Multithreadedness and blocking routines.
Data areas returned by, for example, the getXbyY() routines MUST be on
a per thread basis.
Note that an application MUST be prevented from making multiple nested
Windows Sockets function calls. Only one outstanding function call
will be allowed for a particular task. Any Windows Sockets call
performed when an existing blocking call is already outstanding will
fail with an error code of WSAEINPROGRESS. There are two exceptions
to this restriction: WSACancelBlockingCall() and WSAIsBlocking() may
be called at any time. Windows Sockets suppliers should note that
although preliminary drafts of this specification indicated that the
restriction only applied to blocking function calls, and that it would
be permissible to make non-blocking calls while a blocking call was in
progress, this is no longer true.
150 Appendix B: Notes for Windows Sockets Suppliers
Regarding the implementation of blocking routines, the solution in
Windows Sockets is to simulate the blocking mechanism by having each
routine call PeekMessage() as it waits for the completion of its
operation. In anticipation of this, the function WSASetBlockingHook()
is provided to allow the programmer to define a special routine to be
called instead of the default PeekMessage() loop. The blocking hook
functions are discussed in more detail in 4.3.13,
B.4 Database Files
The database routines in the getXbyY() family (gethostbyaddr(), etc.)
were originally designed (in the first Berkeley UNIX releases) as
mechanisms for looking up information in text databases. A Windows
Sockets supplier may choose to employ local files OR a name service to
provide some or all of this information. If local files exist, the
format of the files must be identical to that used in BSD UNIX,
allowing for the differences in text file formats.
It is necessary to implement the FD_ISSET Berkeley macro using a
supporting function: __WSAFDIsSet(). It is the responsibility of a
Windows Sockets implementation to make this available as part of the
Windows Sockets API. Unlike the other functions exported by a Windows
Sockets DLL, however, this function is not intended to be invoked
directly by Windows Sockets applications: it should be used only to
support the FD_ISSET macro. The source code for this function is
listed below:
int FAR
__WSAFDIsSet(SOCKET fd, fd_set FAR *set)
int i = set->fd_count;
while (i--)
if (set->fd_array[i] == fd)
return 1;
return 0;
B.6 Error Codes
In order to avoid conflict between various compiler environments
Windows Sockets implementations MUST return the error codes listed in
the API specification, using the manifest constants beginning with
"WSA". The Berkeley-compatible error code definitions are provided
solely for compatibility purposes for applications which are being
ported from other platforms.
B.7 DLL Ordinal Numbers
The winsock.def file for use by every Windows Sockets implementation
is as follows. Ordinal values starting at 1000 are reserved for
Windows Sockets implementors to use for exporting private interfaces
to their DLLs. A Windows Sockets implementation must not use any
Appendix B: Notes for Windows Sockets Suppliers 151
ordinals 999 and below except for those APIs listed below. An
application which wishes to work with any Windows Sockets DLL must use
only those routines listed below; using a private export makes an
application dependent on a particular Windows Sockets implementation.
; File: winsock.def
; System: MS-Windows 3.x
; Summary: Module definition file for Windows Sockets DLL.
LIBRARY WINSOCK ; Application's module name
DESCRIPTION 'BSD Socket API for Windows'
EXETYPE WINDOWS ; required for all windows
STUB 'WINSTUB.EXE' ; generates error message if
; is run without Windows
;CODE can be FIXED in memory because of potential upcalls
;DATA must be SINGLE and at a FIXED location since this is a DLL
; All functions that will be called by any Windows routine
; must be exported. Any additional exports beyond those defined
; here must have ordinal numbers 1000 or above.
accept @1
bind @2
closesocket @3
connect @4
getpeername @5
getsockname @6
getsockopt @7
htonl @8
htons @9
inet_addr @10
inet_ntoa @11
ioctlsocket @12
listen @13
ntohl @14
ntohs @15
recv @16
recvfrom @17
select @18
send @19
sendto @20
setsockopt @21
152 Appendix B: Notes for Windows Sockets Suppliers
shutdown @22
socket @23
gethostbyaddr @51
gethostbyname @52
getprotobyname @53
getprotobynumber @54

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