Każdy jest innym i nikt sobą samym.

Permission is granted to use
// this file in classroom situations, including its
// use in presentation materials, as long as the book
// "Thinking in Java" is cited as the source.
// Except in classroom situations, you may not copy
// and distribute this code; instead, the sole
// distribution point is http://www.BruceEckel.com
// (and official mirror sites) where it is
// freely available. You may not remove this
// copyright and notice. You may not distribute
// modified versions of the source code in this
// package. You may not use this file in printed
// media without the express permission of the
// author. Bruce Eckel makes no representation about
// the suitability of this software for any purpose.
// It is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranty of any kind, including any implied
// warranty of merchantability, fitness for a
// particular purpose or non-infringement. The entire
// risk as to the quality and performance of the
// software is with you. Bruce Eckel and the
Thinking in Java
// publisher shall not be liable for any damages
// suffered by you or any third party as a result of
// using or distributing software. In no event will
// Bruce Eckel or the publisher be liable for any
// lost revenue, profit, or data, or for direct,
// indirect, special, consequential, incidental, or
// punitive damages, however caused and regardless of
// the theory of liability, arising out of the use of
// or inability to use software, even if Bruce Eckel
// and the publisher have been advised of the
// possibility of such damages. Should the software
// prove defective, you assume the cost of all
// necessary servicing, repair, or correction. If you
// think you've found an error, please email all
// modified files with clearly commented changes to:
// Bruce@EckelObjects.com. (please use the same
// address for non-code errors found in the book).
When extracting files from a packed file, the file separator of the system that packed the file is also noted, so it can be replaced with the correct one for the local system.
The subdirectory name for the current chapter is kept in the field chapter, which is initialized to c02. (You’ll notice that the listing in Chapter 2 doesn’t contain a package statement.) The only time that the chapter field changes is when a package statement is discovered in the current file.
Building a packed file
The first constructor is used to extract a file from the ASCII text version of this book. The calling code (which appears further down in the listing) reads each line in until it finds one that matches the beginning of a listing. At that point, it creates a new SourceCodeFile object, passing it the first line (which has already been read by the calling code) and the BufferedReader object from which to extract the rest of the source code listing.
At this point, you begin to see heavy use of the String methods. To extract the file name, the overloaded version of substring( ) is called that takes the starting offset and goes to the end of the String. This starting index is produced by finding the length( ) of the startMarker.
trim( ) removes white space from both ends of the String. The first line can also have words after the name of the file; these are detected using indexOf( ), which returns -1 if it cannot find the character you’re looking for and the value where the first instance of that character is found if it does. Notice there is also an overloaded version of indexOf( ) that takes a String instead of a character.
Once the file name is parsed and stored, the first line is placed into the contents String (which is used to hold the entire text of the source code listing). At this point, the rest of the lines are read and concatenated into the contents String. It’s not quite that simple, since certain situations require special handling. One case is error checking: if you run into a startMarker, it means that no end marker was placed at the end of the listing that’s currently being collected. This is an error condition that aborts the program.