Każdy jest innym i nikt sobą samym.

9:28 It happened and after the words these, about days eight, and having taken Peter and John and James, he went up into to mountain to pray.
9:29 And it occurred, in the to pray him, the form of the face of him, different, and the raiment of him whiteness flashing forth.
9:30 And lo, men two were talking with him, who were Moses and Elias;
9:31 they appearing in glory, spoke of the departure of him, which he was about to fulfil in Jerusalem.
9:32 The but Peter and those with him were having been heavy with sleep. Having awakened but they saw the glory of him, and the two men those standing with him.
9:33 And it happened in the to depart them from him, said the Peter to the Jesus: O master, good it is us here to be; and we may make tents three, one for thee and one for Moses, and one for Elias; not knowing what he says.
9:34 These and of him saying, came a cloud, and overshadowed them, they feared and in the those to enter into the cloud.
9:35 And a voice came out of the cloud, saying: This is the son of me the beloved; him hear you.
9:36 And in the to have been the voice, was found the Jesus alone. And they were silent, and to no one told in those the days nothing of what they had seen.
9:37 I t happened and in the next day, having come down them from the mountain, met him a crowd great.
9:38 And lo, a man from the crowd cried loudly, saying: O teacher, I pray thee, to look on the son of me, for only-born he is to me;
9:39 and lo, a spirit seizes him, and suddenly he cries out, and convulses him with foam, and hardly departs from him, bruising him.
9:40 And i besought the disciples of thee, that they might expel it; and not they were able.
9:41 Answering and the Jesus said: O generation without faith and having been perverted; till when shall I be with you, and bear with you? Lead the son of thee here.
9:42 While and coming to him, dashed down him the demon, and violently convulsed. Rebuked and the Jesus the spirit the unclean, and healed the child, and delivered him to the father of him.
9:43 Were amazed and all at the majesty of the God. All and were wondering on all which did the Jesus, he said to the disciples of himself:
9:44 Place you into the ears of you the words these; the for son of the man is about to be delivered into hands of men.
9:45 They but understood not the word this, and it was having been veiled from them, that not they might perceive it; and they feared to ask him concerning the word this.
9:46 Arose and a dispute among them, that, which would be greater of them.
9:47 The Jesus perceiving the though of the heart of them, having taken a little child, placed it near himself, and said to them:
9:48 Whoever may receive this the little child in the name of me, me receives; and whoever me may receive, receives the having sent me. He for less among all you being he shall be great.
9:49 Answering and the John said: O master, we saw one in the name of thee casting out the demons; and we forbade him, because not he follows with us.
9:50 And said to him the Jesus: Not forbid you; who for not is against you, for you is.
9:51 It came to pass and in the to be completed the days of the withdrawing of him, and he the face of himself firmly set of the to go to Jerusalem.
9:52 And he sent messengers before face of himself; and having gone they entered into a village of Samaritans, so as to prepare to him.
9:53 And not they received him, because the face of him was going to Jerusalem.
9:54 Seeing and the disciples of him, James and John, said: O Lord, wilt thou we speak fire to come down from the heaven, and to consume them, as even Elias did?
9:55 Turning and he rebuked them, and said: Not you know, of what spirit are you?
9:56 And they went to another village.
9:57 It happened and going of them in the way, said one to him: I will follow thee, whenever thou mayest go, O master.
9:58 And said to him the Jesus: The foxes dens have, and birds of the heaven roots; the but son of the man not has, where the head he may rest.
9:59 He said and to another: Follow me. He but said: O master, permit thou me having gone first to bury the father of me.
9:60 Said and to him the Jesus: Leave the dead ones to bury the of themselves dead ones; thou and having gone publish the kingdom of the God.
9:61 Said and also another I will follow thee, O master; first but permit thou me to bid farewell to those in the house of me.
9:62 Said but to him the Jesus: No one having put the hand of himself on a plough, and looking for the things behind, well-disposed is for the kingdom of the God.
10:1 After but these things appointed the Lord also others seventy, and sent them each two before face of himself into every city and place, where was about he to go.
10:2 He said then to them: The indeed harvest great, the but laborers few; implore therefore the lord of the harvest, that he would send out laborers into the harvest of himself.
10:3 Go you; lo, I send you as lambs in midst of wolves.
10:4 Not carry you a purse, nor a bag nor sandals; and no one by the way salute.
10:5 Into what and ever house you may enter, first you say: Peace to the house this.
10:6 And if may be there a son, of peace, shall rest on him the peace of you; if but not, on you it shall return.
10:7 In this and the house remain, eating and drinking the things with them; worthy for the laborer if the reward of himself is. Not go you from house to house.
10:8 Also into what and ever city you may enter, and they may receive you, eat you the things being set before you,
10:9 and cure you those in her sick, and say you to them: Has come nigh to you the kingdom of the God.
10:10 Into what but ever city you may enter, and not they may receive you, going out into the wide places of her say you:

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